Results for 'Türkan Nihan Hacıömeroğlu'

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  1.  44
    Organisational rules in schools: teachers' opinions about functions of rules, rule-following and breaking behaviours in relation to their locus of control.Nihan Demirkasimoğlu, İnayet Aydın, Çetin Erdoğan & Uğur Akın - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (2):235-247.
    The main aim of this research is to examine teachers? opinions about functions of school rules, reasons for rule-breaking and results of rule-breaking in relation to their locus of control, gender, age, seniority and branch. 350 public elementary school teachers in Ankara are included in the correlational survey model study. According to the teachers, the main function of school rules is to ?provide regularity?. Classroom teachers find school rules more functional than branch teachers. Teachers with internal locus of control find (...)
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    Les souris d’Ashdod, le dieu Dagôn et l’Apollon Smintheus.Christophe Nihan - 2023 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 154 (4):425-442.
    Cette étude a pour objet la mention – très inhabituelle – d’images de « souris » parmi le tribut des Philistins accompagnant le retour de l’arche dans le récit de 1 Samuel 5-6. Sur la base d’une comparaison entre les principaux témoins anciens du texte de Samuel, on argumente ici que cette mention reflète une série d’interprétations successives, à l’intérieur desquelles on peut distinguer (au moins) trois étapes. À l’origine, la mention de souris semble relever d’une glose scribale, ayant pour (...)
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    Introduction.Hélène Grosjean & Christophe Nihan - 2023 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 154 (4):359-369.
    Cette étude introductive se constitue de deux parties. La première partie présente brièvement le contexte de recherche ainsi que les principaux enjeux du volume ; la seconde partie propose un bref résumé de chacun des articles.
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  4. Who chooses non‐public schools for their children?Philip Q. Yang * & Nihan Kayaardi - 2004 - Educational Studies 30 (3):231-249.
    Using the pooled 1998–2000 GSS data, this study examines what kinds of parents tend to select non‐public schools for their children, a question that is fundamental but lacks direct, adequate answers in the literature. The results of logistic regression analysis show that religion, socio‐economic status, age, nativity, number of children and region play significant roles in parental choice of religious schools, but race, gender, urban residence and family composition make no difference. Parental socio‐economic status is a key factor in determining (...)
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    Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Matematikle İlgili Kavramlara İlişkin Metaforları.Nihan Şahi̇nkaya - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):2623-2623.
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    Dini İnanışların Mimariye Etkisi.Birgül Çakıroğlu & Nihan Engin - 2014 - Dini Araştırmalar 17 (44):67-94.
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    Werbesprache im Deutschen und Türkischen. Eine spachwissenschaftliche Analyse.Nihan Demi̇ryay - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):461-461.
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    Different Beasts: Humans and Animals in Spinoza and the Zhuangzi.Sonya Nihan Ozbey - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Different Beasts: Humans and Animals in Spinoza and the Zhuangzi studies conceptions of human and animal identity as articulated in the ancient Chinese text known as the Zhuangzi and in the works of the seventeenth-century European philosopher Benedict de Spinoza. By examining how, in these very different philosophies, notions of humanness and animality intersect with ideas about human unity and solidarity, social order, and categories of social difference (such as gender, descent, and ability), Different Beasts opens new paths for understanding (...)
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    The Impact of Perceived Corporate Reputation of Sport Clubs on Social Media Usage: a Study with the Lenses of Social Capital.Emel Esen, Seçil Taştan & Nihan Degercan - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):350-383.
    Technological developments and changes in communication systems in postmodern world have enhanced the organizations to improve their own communication infrastructures and to effectively use their internet sites. Like all other organizations, sport club institutions have considered the vital importance of investing in social media activities and creating their corporate reputation through their connections with their supporters. Thus, social media channels and public relations via social media have been the most essential tools of the organizations to build company image and increase (...)
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    Inflation and Late Time Acceleration Designed by Stueckelberg Massive Photon.Özgür Akarsu, Metin Arık & Nihan Katırcı - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (6):769-796.
    We present a mini review of the Stueckelberg mechanism, which was proposed to make the abelian gauge theories massive as an alternative to Higgs mechanism, within the framework of Minkowski as well as curved spacetimes. The higher the scale the tighter the bounds on the photon mass, which might be gained via the Stueckelberg mechanism, may be signalling that even an extremely small mass of the photon which cannot be measured directly could have far reaching effects in cosmology. We present (...)
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    Writing Laws in Antiquity. Edited by Dominique Jaillard and Christophe Nihan.William S. Morrow - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (2):502.
    Writing Laws in Antiquity. Edited by Dominique Jaillard and Christophe Nihan. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, vol. 19. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017. Pp. 170. €58.
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